Interesting Design is Ben Lewis – a web, graphic, digital & book designer based in Berwick-upon-Tweed, UK.
Interesting Design was formally Interesting Books + Zines, a design studio and independent bookshop on West Street in Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Ben works with artists, creative businesses, cultural organisations, publishers, freelancers and more.
Ben’s web design clients include:
Create Berwick
The French Reception
Writing Politics
Books by the Sea
Adam Nee
Buskin Books
This Endless Sea
Mobius Dance
Displace Yourself Theatre
Ben designs websites, books, and printed matter. Ben’s work is always creative-led.

Guided meditation – Tuesdays 7:30pm to 8pm, 27 Art House, Bridge Street, Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Join Ben Lewis for a 30 minute guided meditation session. Sessions are suitable for beginners as well as those with a regular meditation practice. Each session includes simple instructions such as resting attention on the breath and sensations in the body, as well as a wider investigation of awareness as a whole. Participants can arrive from 7pm onwards, with the meditation starting at 7:30pm. Sessions cost £3 per person.
For more information please email Ben:
Ben Lewis: